In India, the fuel price is increasing regularly. Saving your fuel money will help you save a lot of money. In the last few years, fuel credit cards have become very popular. Once you dive deep, you will learn many interesting facts about these cards.
In this blog, we will talk about the presence of different credit cards in India, what makes these credit cards so special, some of the benefits you can have, and more. You can check a DSA app to find out some valuable options and choose the best one.
Learn about Fuel Credit Cards
Fuel credit cards are special as they will get you significant discounts, reward points, and other benefits when you use the card to purchase fuel. Almost all the fuel brands in India, like HPCL, BPCL, and Shell, have ties with these credit cards. These card companies understand the needs of Indians and spend time planning the best for them.
Things that Are Special About Fuel Credit Cards
Fuel credit cards are not like any other generic credit cards. Here are some of the unique aspects of fuel credit cards-
- When you use your fuel credit card to buy fuel, you will surely get some discounts on your total bill. The percentage can vary from 1% to 5%, depending on your credit card.
- Every time you buy some fuel using this particular credit card, you will have some reward points and some other perks.
- Are you familiar with the surcharge attached to particular fuel brands? Use of the right fuel credit card might help you get a waiver of the surcharge amount.
- Some credit card companies have made deals with fuel and vehicle companies. When you go for service or refueling, you will have some additional services.
What Are The Benefits You Can Have From These Fuel Credit Cards?
Now that we have discussed the basics of fuel credit cards and some unique features of these credit cards, it is time to talk about some of the benefits you can have from using these credit cards-
- The services we have shared in the previous paragraph are available in most petrol pumps in India. As you can use the fuel credit card in any part of our country, it is indeed a plus point for the card holders.
- Can you think about free accidental insurance? This is not impossible when you are using a fuel credit card issued by a top bank or credit card company from India.
- Reward points and cashback are the most basic things you will have through the use of these credit cards. Once you have these reward points, you can further use those points for some extra fuel.
- Getting a discount of up to 5% on your fuel charges is a lot. Over that, when you are saving the 1% surcharge value, it will get you great relief. You can consult with a personal loan DSA to understand different loan options and find the best one among them.
Choosing the Best Fuel Credit Card in India
As a number of options are available in India, you must compare them to find the best card with maximum benefits-
- Check what are the discounts and benefits the card is offering. Ensure your credit card provides the best credit card in India.
- Learn about the reward points you will have for using the credit card. Unless you are familiar with the redemption options, it isn’t easy to choose the right tool.
- Your credit card needs to have a large network. Having a wide network is essential for using the credit card.
- Learn about the charges of your fuel credit card along with the annual fees. Evaluate everything before taking the final call.
Keep these aspects in mind while choosing the best fuel credit card in India.
Learn About Some Popular Fuel Credit Cards You Can Have Here
We are done with all the basics you must understand before choosing a particular fuel credit card. Here are some of the most popular options you can have-
- Look for a BPCL SBI credit card offering around 4%-5% discount on your fuel purchase.
- HPCL and Bank of Baroda have introduced a Rupay Credit card offering 3.75% cashback.
These are some of the most popular ones you can buy. Don’t forget to check some of the other modern fuel cards and the benefits attached to them before getting one finally. Also, feel free to share your thoughts on the points discussed below in the comment section.